Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Day 12 Pultneyville, New York to Brockport, New York 105km

We decided to start a little earlier this morning and we were out of the campsite by 8am. We usually don't hit the road until around 9am. It takes at least an hour to break camp in the morning. We dropped south and joined up with the Erie Canal in Palmyra. Palmyra is the town where the Mormons were founded. We has a great breakfast in a Greek restaurant in Palmyra. The width of the canal and the size of the locks took us by surprise. It's definitely bigger than the grand canal. It was nice to get away from the traffic for a while and we had an enjoyable cycle alongside the canal. Thunderstorms are forecast for tonight so we made the decision to get a motel in Brockport. As I sit here and listen to the thunder and rain outside I think we made the right decision.

PS: There is a video of our Erie Canal cycle at this link  https://vimeo.com/99092944
This video is unedited so no fancy music or graphics. I have some videos from earlier in the trip but they are quite large and will take a while to upload.

Our last view of Lake Ontario in Pultneyville.

Huge lock

Erie Canal

Boat in Fairport

The Trail beside the Erie Canal

The Erie Canal

The Erie Canal Trail

Pizza for Dinner. I ate it all.


  1. You're going to love the thunderstorms between the Appalachian and Rocky mountain ranges. The storms I grew up with in Missouri where much stronger and lasted longer than the ones in Maryland.
    Not sure if other states do this, but in Missouri on the first Wednesday of the month if the weather was clear they would test the tornado warning system sirens. If you hear them during a thunderstorm take cover fast, if you hear them on a clear day its just a test.
