Friday, 1 August 2014

Day 50 Guffey, Colorado to Fairplay, Colorado 73km

We got breakfast in Guffey this morning and were talking to Kelly who is from Waterford, Wisconsin. He had stopped yesterday on the road to talk to us as-well. He was very interested in our trip. We had some stunning scenery again today as we climbed our way to the town of Fairplay. Fairplay is the town which the TV show "South Park" is based on. We were  finished cycling by 1pm so I got a chance to look around the South Park City museum which was great. Fairplay was a mining town during the gold rush so the museum had recreated the town with many of the original buildings still intact.
Our outhouse in Guffey

The outhouse

Between Guffey and Hartsel

Currant Creek Pass
Pike National Forest

Fairplay, Colorado

South Park

Huge doll collection in the museum

Pictures of the museum

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