Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Day 6 East Thetford, Vermont to Middlebury, Vermont 122km

If started a lot cooler today with thunderstorms overnight clearing away the stifling heat. My tent collapsed on me during the storm, while Brian thinks he heard what we hope was a moose grunting in the forest. So it was a restless night. Conditions were much better for cycling today and we did a massive 122km over the green mountains. It was a very hilly day with the steep Middlebury pass to finish the day. Half way through the day we came across an underpass which was closed for repairs. Instead of taking a long detour we had to lift our bikes and gear up a steep ditch, through some bushes and over the railway tracks to get around. The campsite we were aiming for was closed so we are staying in a motel just outside of Middlebury.
Our first covered bridge
Store in Vermont
Hilly Vermont
The White River
A detour we had to make due to a closed underpass
Steep climb
Brian falls again
A poor attempt at a pano of a Vermont valley
Descending down the Middlebury Pass


  1. Hi! If ya make it through Missouri, I've sent Brian about 10 names of people who would be glad to host you both. So far I'm up to 8 states with people who are happy to give you a nice place to sleep and a shower if you need it! Good luck with the trip~ Jen

  2. Hi, I'm just having breakfast in Belfast before heading to Deer Isle today. Weather hot but cool coastal breeze helps. Had my first Maine lobster & it reminded me of Brian (a hard shell to crack = strong cyclist). People I've met have been so kinf. All the best. Ian
