Saturday, 14 June 2014

Day 2 Kittery, Maine to Sebago Lake, Maine 100km

Jet lag still has us waking up at around 6am but due to no shops being open there was no point leaving before 9am. We had breakfast in a 7/11 which for me was a Gatorade, blueberry muffins and a huge cinnamon breakfast bar. I'm really trying to embrace the culture. It was overcast but pleasant to start the day as we headed along the Maine coast. We went through some lovely coastal villages    before saying goodbye to the Atlantic Ocean in York and heading west. After passing through Kennenbuck the sun made an appearance and it was time to apply some factor 50. We stopped for lunch in Hollis in a charming country store. After some conversation with the locals we pushed through the final 15 miles to Sebago Lake where we found a lovely campsite. I have had my first run in with mosquitoes and am now sitting here doused in mosquito spray.

We have found people to be very friendly so far. We have had two people offer us a place to stay which we have had to unfortunately turn down as we were to far from our destination.
Kittery Point
Typical post box
York harbour
York beach

Old house just outside Kennenbuck
A healthy steak and cheese lunch
Store in Hollis where we had lunch
The Saco river
The campsite
Huge ice cream

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